Exclusively Australian:
Single Sourced, Unique & 125 Million Years In The Making.
What is Radiolarite?
Australian Radiolarite is the fossilised vertebrae of a uniquely shaped (Honeycomb) plankton called Radiolarian.
Due to Australia's unique position and environmental conditions over 125 Million years has created a truly one-of-a-kind product with unmatched properties on the world stage.
High Silica Content Radiolarite Amorphous Silica is essential for soil conditioning as it aids in Stress Relief, Soil Structure, Nutrient and Water Retention to produce optimal plant growth.
Essential Soil Conditioner provides the following:
Works in sandy soil and ideal in arid conditions
Unrivalled retention of water and nutrients
Creates a drought tolerant soil environment
Absorbs up to 140% its weight in water
Reduces transplant shock in seedlings
Allows maximum aeration to the soil
Improves drainage
Reduces compaction
Provides a thermal barrier from heat and frozen environments
Allows lateral movement of water and nutrients
Won’t decompose
Natural available source of Silica
Promotes healthy strong roots
Forestry Pot Demonstration
Water in well after installation to each application below
Garden Plants - Add 1kg - 2kg per M², mix well into the soil to a depth of approximately 300mm.
Potted plants – Mix 20% by volume evenly into soil
Hydroponic plants – blend 10-20% by volume into the growing medium
Revegetation – Spread at a rate of 1kg - 2kg per M² up to a depth of approximately 300mm